Egyptian Darts Federation Join World ParaDarts
The World ParaDarts is delighted to announce that the Egyptian ParaDarts have become a member of World ParaDarts. We look forward to developing Paradarts in Eygpt with them as ParaDarts spreads across the world.
Dr. Gamal Youssef, Head of Egyptian ParaDarts Committee, comments “We are honoured to join World ParaDarts, and are excited to work together to promote the sport and expand it locally and regionally across Africa and the Arab world. With our combined efforts, we hope we can get our ParaDarts players competing in front of an international audience at the Paralympics one day. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to connect with other members across the world.“
For more information of the Egyptian ParaDarts visit Egyptian Darts Federation website at:
Target Darts hits the mark with 2024 World ParaDarts Masters and World Championship sponsorship
Tuesday 27th
August, 2024: On the eve of the Paralympic Games, leading darts manufacturer Target Darts is thrilled to announce its sponsorship as the Official Darts Partner of the upcoming 2024 World ParaDarts Masters and World Championships.
This partnership marks a significant milestone in Target's commitment to inclusivity and the promotion of darts as a sport for everyone, regardless of physical abilities.
The World ParaDarts Masters and World Championships 2024 is set to take place between 3rd-5th January 2025 in Chelmsford, Essex. The list of qualifying players will be revealed on
1st September. The events will see the top 64 ParaDarts players from around the globe, display a captivating level of outstanding skill and competitive prowess.
As part of the sponsorship, Target will contribute a financial sponsorship fee to support the event's organisational efforts, provide state-of-the-art darting equipment, and offer creative materials for World ParaDarts to display across the website, social media, and at the event.
Adam Thompson, Head of Marketing at Target Darts said: "We are thrilled to support ParaDarts 2024 and be part of an event that truly embodies the spirit of inclusion in sport.
"Darts is a game that brings people together and at Target, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate and excel in the sport they love.
“It’s even more special being able to confirm the deal just as the Paralympics is about to get underway, and we’re looking forward to working closely with World ParaDarts to elevate the sport.”
Speaking on the announcement, Sarah Smale, Chair of World ParaDarts added: "We are delighted to welcome Target Darts as our sponsor for the 2024 World Masters and World Championships.
"Their dedication to innovation and inclusivity in the sport of darts makes them the perfect partner for this event.
“With Target's support, we are confident that the World ParaDarts Masters and World Championships 2024 will be our most successful and inspiring championship yet."
About Target Darts:
Target has been designing and manufacturing high quality darts, dart boards and accessories for professional darts players and the public for fifty years.
Known for innovation, the business pioneered the “Corona” dartboard light ring and the patented, “Swiss Point” technology, allowing players to easily change the points in their darts.
Target works with some of the world’s best darts players past and present including Luke ‘The Nuke’ Littler, Phil “The Power” Taylor, Rob Cross, Raymond van Barneveld, Nathan Aspinall, and many others.
About World ParaDarts:
The World ParaDarts is an organisation formed in 2020 to enable, support and promote disabled darts throughout the world.
As a worldwide organisation of darts bodies, World ParaDarts encourages the promotion of the sport of darts and disability darts among and between those bodies, in an effort to gain international recognition for darts as a major sport with the full inclusion of disability darts.
World ParaDarts is an associate member of the Worlds Darts Federation and now has over 300 registered players from 25 countries, spread across the world’s five continents.
For media inquiries, please contact Premier:
For more information about Target click here
The World ParaDarts is excited to announce that NewZealand ParaDarts have become a member of World ParaDarts. We look forward to developing Paradarts in New Zealand with them as ParaDarts spreads across the world.
Rob Gillan, founder of New Zealand ParaDarts comments “New Zealand ParaDarts is excited to be able to run national ParaDarts tournaments and aims to grow the sport in the Southern Hemisphere. We look forward to developing a strong team to send to the World ParaDarts World Trophy in 2024”.
Vists New Zealand ParaDarts at:
World ParaDarts are holding their:
World ParaDarts World Masters 2023
World ParaDarts World Championships 2023
Sponsored by Cuesoul
On Sunday the 3rd December and Monday the 4th December 2023
Chelmsford Social Club, 55 Springfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6JG
With the WDF deciding not to hold a Masters in 2023, we have decided to hold our World Championships and Masters for 2023 at the same event. We know the date/location will not suit everyone but we were in the position of having to put it together before the end of the year with no alternatives.
The qualifying criteria will be the same for the World Championship and the Masters, so all players will play in both tournaments over the event.
Click here for the Qualifying Criteria.
Invitations to qualifiers will be issued after the last ranking tournament for this season, being In Antwerp on 5th-6th August 2023.
The WPD Masters 2023 will be a seeded Round Robin followed by a Knock out.
The WPD World Championships will be a seeded Knock Out format.
Full details with timings will be provided after the invitations have been issued.
Any questions please email us at executives@worldparadarts.com
31.5.23 Greece joins World ParaDarts
The World ParaDarts is delighted to announce that the Athens North Darts Organisation in Greece have become a member of World ParaDarts. We look forward to developing Paradarts in Greece with them as ParaDarts spreads across Europe.
Eliza Moysi, Vice President of Athens North Darts Organisation, comments: “We are very happy to be a member of World Paradarts. It is an honour for our Association that World Paradarts has trusted us and gave us this chance to develop Paradarts in Greece”.
Follow them at:
20.4.23 World ParaDarts and Cuesol are in Partnership
World ParaDarts are excited to announce that Cuesoul are now their main Sponsor.
This is the start of what we think will be a great relationship with Cuesoul who have the ethics that we think make them the perfect partner for us.
Cuesoul ethic statement “we love every passion and interest on Earth because it is a reference to your Uniqueness” we want to “Help you express yourself”.
Thank you Cuesoul , for your support of Disability Darts it is great to see a major Darts supplier giving back and helping to develop the inclusion of all in the sport of darts.
Cuesoul can be found at:
10.1.2023 World ParaDarts welcomes two new members this week:
Paradarts Scotland
World ParaDarts is excited to announce that the new organisation Paradarts Scotland is now a World ParaDarts member and is looking forward to working with them with the development of ParaDarts.
The Paradarts Scotland committee states "It is with our greatest pleasure to introduce to you the newest platform for Disability Darts in Scotland, Paradarts Scotland. We launched on 1st January as a non profit organisation, an Unincorporated Organisation, for the members, run by the members. We are playing under the umbrella of World Para Darts, who in turn play under the rules of the WDF. This is a brand new organisation looking to offer an additional route to playing disability darts on Scotland, to allow players to have the option of playing within both organisations. We are open to anyone with a disability that meets the membership eligibility criteria, and will be planning several events across Scotland in 2023. We would like to welcome everyone to join us on this journey, please get in touch for more information"
For more information about Paradarts Scotland and to join or support please visit their face bppk group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1213184569265261
and website at:
Austrian Darts Federation- Osterreichischer Dartsverband-ODV
World ParaDarts are delighted to announce that the Austrian Darts Federation ( Osterreichischer Dartsverband / ODV) have become a member of World ParaDarts.
We look forward to developing Paradarts in Austria with the Austrian Darts Federation as ParaDarts spreads across Europe.
Austrian darts Federation Vice President Dietmar Schuhmann comments
“We are very happy to be part of World ParaDarts to promote inclusion in Austria. This show clearly and openly to all, that sport connects everyone and differences do not divide us, also that diversity in all its forms makes society strong through the bond of sport. We want to live this and give everyone the same opportunities. We are at the beginning of this in darts in Austria and want to make this a reality together with World Paradarts. We are looking forward to this making darts a sports for all.”
for more information on the Austrian Darts Federation visit their facebook page at:
and their website at:
The World ParaDarts is excited to confirm Hungarian Darts Federation have joined World ParaDarts.
Hungarian Darts Federation has already embraced disability darts with Hungarian players having taken past in past World ParaDarts tournaments. We look forward to working with them for the future development of disability darts world wide.
Greta Tekauer from the Hungarian Darts Federation, comments " We are all really excited and looking forward to see how Hungarian disability darts is going to evolve with the World ParaDarts"
The World ParaDarts are delighted to announce that the Nederlandse Darts Bond (NDB) have joined.
The NDB have embraced the inclusion of disability darts for over 10 years, their experience and knowledge in both the inclusion of the disabled and darts will be invaluable to the World ParaDarts when working together for the development of disability darts.
Patrick Stolk of the NDB "It is important that the darts sport is accessible to everyone, with and without disabilities. The NDB is pleased with the developments at World ParaDarts. It is a good and big step forward that World ParaDarts has recently became an Associated Member under the umbrella of the World Darts Federation.”
The World ParaDarts is excited to confirm Dansk Dart Union have joined World ParaDarts.
Dansk Dart Union (DDU) has already embraced disability darts in Denmark and we look forward to working with them for the future development of disability darts worldwide.
Henrik Vestbo, President of the DDU, comments "As the World ParaDarts (WPD) is an associated member of the World Darts Federation (WDF), we are delighted to have our disability darters joining. This is opening the international scene of darts for our players in a way we haven’t had until now. Explicitly the opportunity for our players to participate at the WPD / WDF Masters Tournaments and Cups over the years to come, is for our players an exciting prospect and opportunity. “
WDF announce 2021 World ParaDarts Masters
The WDF are delighted to announce that disability darts will be included as a part of the 2021 WDF World Masters, being staged for the first time at the Bonte Wever, Assen in the Netherlands (2-5 December 2021).
This prestigious and historic tournament will relaunch under the banner of the WDF and host the 2021 World ParaDarts Masters. Further details including format and qualification criteria will be announced by World ParaDarts in the near future.
For more information visit:
World ParaDarts is excited to announce that they are expanding their eligibility to include a new section of disability darts and a broader inclusion of disabilities, whilst retaining its ParaDarts section.
World Inclusio ParaDarts
World Inclusio ParaDarts Is for all disabled players, whose disability effects the way they play darts.
This means going forward there will be 2 classifications of disability darts within World ParaDarts:
1. World ParaDarts, for players who are eligible under the World ParaDarts eligibility rules, which follow the International Paralympic Committee guidelines
2. World Inclusio ParaDarts, for all disabled players
What does this mean for players?
Players who wish to register and play in the Inclusio Darts classification have to register with their country’s Inclusio Officer (see the list below) by emailing us at inclusio@worldparadarts.com
To register:
Players must complete the application form and send it to their country’s Inclusio Officer, with either evidence of being in receipt of their country’s disability benefits (less than 12 months old) or a letter from their doctor confirming their disability. (If neither of these are available please contact your Inclusio Officer to discuss your individual circumstances).
Please note Blue Badges or equivalent can not be used as evidence of a disability.
In addition, they will have to renew their registration each year with their country’s Inculsio Officer by providing the evidence required, when requested.
Once registered players will receive a certificate and registration number
There is no fee to register as an Inclusio player, however there maybe membership fees for your chosen organisation and for tournament entry.
Inclusio covers all disabilities:
Players have to provide evidence they are receiving a government disability benefit (less than 12 months old) or a doctor’s letter confirming the disability and how it effects the player.
Additional considerations:
Sight loss- is included but on the grounds of safety, players have to have a proficiency certificate with their Inclusio Officer before they can play in tournaments, which should be renewed annually.
(Safety is an ongoing consideration in all tournaments and a tournament organiser can ask any player to leave a tournament on the grounds of safety, regardless of the underlying reason of the safety concerns.)
2. Hearing loss, PTSD are also included (the same documentation is required being the current year’s government disability benefits letter or a doctor’s letter).
3. Illnesses which are debilitating are included, again subject to the provision of the current year’s government disability benefits letter or a doctor’s letter.
World ParaDarts eligible players are automatically Inclusio players and able to play in Inclusio tournaments and do not have to register through Inclusio Officers as already individually registered with World ParaDarts.
For further information and how to register:
Inclusion Officers and contact details:
Northern Ireland Tommy and Nicole Dillon
Belgium Bernard Martens and Rudy Verbeke
Great Britain Mark Couchman
Contact point for all players in any country currently is email address: Inclusio@worldparadarts.com
What does this mean for Member Organisations of World ParaDarts:
1. You can have a World ParaDarts and a World Inclusio ParaDarts sections and separate tournaments under World ParaDarts name.
2. You have a referral point for Inclusio Darts being the World Inclusio ParaDarts Sub Committee.
3. Guidance plus guidelines are provided.
4. Registers of Inclusio players are kept by the countries Inclusio Officers, meaning organisations can contact them to see if a player is registered as an Inclusio player and therefore does not have to vet the paperwork them selves.
Playing Format:
Organisations can play any format they want for their own tournaments. If they want to hold a World Inclusio ParaDarts ranking event they must play in the format agreed by the World ParaDarts which is currently a traditional Round Robin (full details will be provided upon application for a ranking event)
Ranking events
Players who are eligible for both sections being World ParaDarts and World Inclusio ParaDarts can only enter one ranking system during a season and their choice is made when they enter their first event during the season.
Important Information:
World ParaDarts is a member of the World Darts Federation, it's rules are compliant with the WDF and it is governed by these and the WDF's rules and codes of conduct. The World ParaDarts is a federation of darts associations each of whom are involved in making it's decisions in a democratic process, and that we comply with the WDF's values and standards
Covid Pandemic
with the current pandemic most countries are unable to hold face to face darts tournaments, but once the Covid Pandemic starts to ease and country's restrictions are lifted, tournaments can and will be arranged and we will announce the details as soon as we can. As a player register now so you are all registered and ready.
The World ParaDarts is delighted to confirm Malta Darts Association have joined World ParaDarts.
Malta Darts Association have been a supporter of disability Darts for a few years now and we are looking forward to working with them as disability darts grows.
Ray Gera Malta Darts Association Secretary comments “As General Secretary of the Malta Darts Association, it’s a pleasure to have been accepted to become members of the World Para Darts and look forward to work with the Association. Special thanks to Thierry Johny Gellinck, who was my primary contact to start off the process for us to become members of the World Para Darts, and secondly would also like to thank Sarah Smiles, who communicated the good news that we have been accepted as members of their Association, this is a step forward for our players who would now benefit from ranking points when and where a competition is available to participate”
The World ParaDarts is excited to confirm Bangladesh Wheelchair Sports Foundation have joined World ParaDarts.
Bangladesh Wheelchair Sports Foundation (BWSF) was founded in 2018 with the main aim and objectives to promote all types of wheelchair sports in one platform in Bangladesh and to assure the development of wheelchair users’ mental growth, livelihood, social prestige, leadership and establish them into the mainstream of society through the participation in all types of wheelchair sports nationally and internationally."
Noor Nahian Comments, "It is really a great opportunity for Bangladesh Wheelchair Sports Foundation and our athletes to represent our country Bangladesh internationally through World ParaDarts.
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